New Seeland number diplomat announces ban on 'military-style semi-automatic weapons' after musjid onset

New Zealand Blossom Diplomat Jacinda Ardern on Weekday declared the land was now forbiddance "military-style semi-automatic weapons" after sunset hebdomad's aggress that killed 50 people at two mosques.

Speech to reporters, the efflorescence pastor said that the weapons would be banned in addition to "all attack rifles," among opposite firearms. Ardern said that governing is currently existence drafted and she expects the law to strike notion by April 11.

"We gift ban all high-capacity magazines. We module ban all parts with the knowledge to convince pistol, or any remaining typewrite of gun, into a military-style semi-automatic suasion," the adulthood rector said. "In shortsighted, every semi-automatic instrument victimised in the terrorist commencement on Weekday module be illegal in this state."
Ardern said the man suspected of the act bought his weapons wrongfully with a standardised gun authorization and adapted their susceptibility by using 30-round magazines, "essentially motion them into military-style semi-automatic weapons."

The 28-year-old guess bought the weapons "through a dolabrate online purchase," she said, and "took a remarkable circumscribe of lives using primarily two guns."

The alleged expert, who Fox Programme is not denotative, has been emotional with one depend of kill in the attacks on Friday, which became New Zealand's deadliest assemblage shot in contemporary account. He is anticipated to confronting more charges at his next deference feigning on Apr 5.

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